Kinexion has built a network infrastructure that allows human service providers to work in solidarity to realize the most excellent efficiencies. The Kinexion Network is comprised of seven well-respected affiliate partners including Independent Group Home Living Program, Inc. [IGHL], The New Interdisciplinary School [NIS], The Center for Developmental Disabilities, Inc., The Association for Technology Dependent Children, Inc/d.b.a Angela's House, Head Injury Association, Inc. [HIA], Maryhaven, Inc., and East End Disability Associates, Inc [EEDA].
While each affiliate partner has unique ways of thinking, achieving, and providing support to people with disabilities, we have one vision - to offer best-in-class services to individuals with disabilities and build a new reality where society embraces people of all abilities.
Within the Kinexion Network, you'll find a continuum of superior lifetime care that supports people living with disabilities & their families, and that makes a more inclusive community more economically viable and sustainable, so we can all live our best lives, for life.
Kinexion energizes its network of partners by providing the infrastructure that frees them to focus on what they do best: offer best-in-class services to people living with disabilities and build a new reality where society embraces people of ALL abilities.